The Feathery Folk
'Enriching the lives of birds and people'

Date of hatch: April 2018
Skill: Ring deliverer
Temperament: Friendly and eager to please
Anwen is a really sweet and beautiful Barn owl who seems to take everything in her stride. She is very enthusiastic but
is also very focused. She loves to 'just get on with the job'.

Anwen is particularly good at ring deliveries, remaining calm and quiet, which makes her entrance a real surprise.
Did You Know?
Barn Owls cannot
hoot, instead they make a series of
hisses and clicks.
Anwen (Barn Owl)
About the Species
Scientific name: Tyto alba
Habitat: Open rough grasslands and mixed farmland
Diet: Voles (short-tailed field vole most preferred), mice, shrews, rats, bats, frogs, small birds and invertebrates.
Species traits: Gliders and the only owl that hovers.
Distribution: Restricted to Southern and Western Europe and Northern Africa.
Wild population: 4,000 pairs (+/- 30%) in the UK in 1995-1997.
Conservation status: Amber (stable/possible incline)
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